Testimonials & Case Studies
“Alaya has done a remarkable thing in combining Classical Chinese Medicine, with the spiritual practice of contemplation. I encourage you to enter this new yet ancient field of AcuPresence with a spirit of commitment and play… the human body and its DNA harbor undiscovered secrets… open your heart and mind and step through the portal of AcuPresence…the miracle of self-healing is in your hands. I have found the results to be quick and powerful. ”
“64 Sacred Sites Card Deck & Guidebook: Alaya has brought alive an ancient mystery in these cards – that the human body has its own secret geography, and that it contains universal powers and forces that can be awakened with nothing more that simple awareness. Try them for yourself, and you will experience the magic firsthand!”
“I absolutely love 64 Sites deck from AcuPresence! The amount of information and healing in this deck is not to be missed. The combination of information is done in an easy to read and understand format, which is a blessing when you are dealing with the depth of such sacred teachings. The descriptions of the acupuncture point is also laid out in an easy to Unser format and the “seeds” are simple to use. Last, but not least is the beautiful quality of the deck itself, great size, durable and gold edges make this a high quality product.”
“Since my 3-day AcuPresence Workshop I am enjoying a new embodied relationship with my IQ 59 and also beginning to work with other Gene Keys in an AcuPresence way. Months later, I feel more anchored in my physical body than before. Tiny miracles illuminate my path and I’m experiencing a new rush of creativity. I’ve seen tangible improvements in health and vitality, and my service in the world feels light and fun. Thanks Alaya! Thanks, AcuPresence! Thanks Gene Keys!”
“Not only is your work mind blowing — seriously, when I look at the collective of what you have created, it boggles the mind. So much incredible wisdom in such a usable format. Your work is changing the world.”
“In my private consultation with Alaya, I received my own perfect set of acupoints. Working with them daily is like having a love affair with my own life. I feel connected to my source, on my clear path, and able to love myself in a friendly, unconditional way that I had never been able to access before.”
“I look forward to activating my sacred sites and the healing invocations. I find a peaceful calm comes over me when I apply this tool of self-love and healing. Such a gift to myself and a brilliant way to start the day.”
“Alaya brings her presence, generosity of spirit, and deep compassion into her healing practice, holding a coherent space for healing and transformation to occur. My work with Alaya and AcuPresence has been transformational beyond believe.. Magical!”
“Having received acupuncture treatments from Alaya for over a decade, I experienced real transformation, positive change, and deepened connection with myself through Alaya’s work with the Spirit of the Points. Now I can give myself the same gift. Through AcuPresence, I have become a practitioner myself, able to turn within to my own toolbox of acupoints. I can replenish my spirit at Spirit Storehouse and nourish myself with the fountain of life at Bubbling Spring. I am excited to be empowered with my own relationship to the Spirit of the Points.”
“In my private consultation with Alaya, I received my own perfect set of acupoints. Working with them daily is like having a love affair with my own life. I feel connected to my source, on my clear path, and able to love myself in a friendly, unconditional way that I had never been able to access before. ”
“Sometimes as I’m going through my day, all of a sudden a big wave of grief comes up. I don’t necessarily know why. I can just feel the whelm of emotion surface… Without thinking about why, or telling myself a story about it, I press on my acupoints and repeat an invocation or two. The sadness and depression lift like fog. I don’t have to figure anything out, do anything, …It takes no effort at all. It’s like my disconnect gets reconnected, and I am back home in myself. Plugged back in. ”
“Many mornings I start the day with a Qi Gong sequence I have been practicing for many years. Many of the points that are explained and used in AcuPresence are also points that are massaged and tapped in Qi Gong. I know that using the two together will not only bring greater understanding of the Qi Gong, but will also give deeper meaning when working with the points in the book. What a great gift AcuPresence is!”
“AcuPresence is a gift each time I use it. It allows a format for me to be with myself, without distractions. It allows me to bring self love and self healing to myself in a simple, yet profound way.”
“I felt totally disconnected from myself my vision and any purpose. Alaya suggested two acupuncture points, I did my color puncture on them and didn’t really feel much different afterwards…however when I woke up in the morning I felt totally different I was really puzzled by how profound the shift was. Alaya’s work in 3 sessions did what no other doctor or therapist could do in nine months… her work is mysteriously profound! ”
“AcuPresence is an invitation to a remarkable inner odyssey. It is nothing short of a Healing Revolution within. Alaya skillfully teaches you how to enter the essence of each acupunture point and to receive its medicine. It is a meditation embodied in self-love.”
“As I practice AcuPresence, I am continuously finding that painful situations, insurmountable obstacles and health challenges in my life resolve into bliss… without me doing anything or saying anything to anyone. Working with my Sacred Sites daily is like having a love affair with my own life.”
“When I give myself the gift of AcuPresence I feel connected to my source, on my clear path, and able to love myself in an unconditional way that I’ve never experienced.”
“I began working with Alaya over 15 years ago. Over the years, my interest and curiosity grew for Five Element Acupuncture. I began to relate differently to life, now seeing everything in the context of the Five Elements. I feel my sustainable connection with these Elements within me and know what meridian and points to go to when I need balancing. ”
“The beauty of AcuPresence is that it takes an age-old classical medicine and makes it accessible for me to work with daily. AcuPresence translates the magic of Alaya’s brillance and her acupuncture needles into a self-empowered practice that I can experience daily!”